Fixed Teeth

Protecting dental care with the best care.
Fixed Teeth in One Day in Wakad


A new set of teeth could make a world of difference for someone whose teeth aren’t fully functional. From the food we eat to the way we smile, our teeth affect our daily life. Can you imagine walking out of the dentist after just one appointment with an entirely new set of permanent teeth? In just ONE DAY, your teeth could be completely transformed, and you could walk out of the dentist with a new look and a confident smile! Teeth In One Day uses All-on-4 technology to give you a transformed smile in just hours. The All-on-4 treatment protocol is a full set of upper and/or lower permanent teeth secured by just four dental implants. The four implants create a secure foundation for a beautiful smile! Using this advanced protocol saves you from having an implant for every tooth. You will be able to enjoy meals again and smile confidently with a new, permanent smile. Teeth In One Day will give you a lifetime of smiles in no time at all.


The decision to perform a root canal treatment is made after thorough examination which includes assessment of signs, symptoms and X-rays. Depending on the presence of active infection, the treatment may be completed in 1 to 3 appointments. The main goal is to free the tooth from infection and prevent re-infection in the future.

At the start of the procedure a local anesthetic is administered to prevent any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Since the infected pulp is located within the tooth structure, an access is made to reach the pulp from the outer surface of the tooth. Once the pulp is reached , the pulp is removed from the crown and root portion of the teeth.

Now the empty root canal chamber is thoroughly rinsed using antibacterial liquids and ultrasonics to disinfect and clean it properly. The now clean and disinfected root canal chamber is filled and sealed with a biocompatible material called gutta percha. A crown is then fixed over the root canal treated tooth to restore aesthetics and function.

A perfectly performed root canal treatment ensures longevity as long as your remaining healthy teeth.

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Dentsee Dental Clinic & Implant Centre